I LOVE MY MUG. My Asda purchase is not only great in terms of colour and price, but is the perfect width for a digestive. One can dip, dip and dip again revelling in the smug feeling that there are others in the world with narrow mugs.
One of these approved products is Tescos own. They do a huge range of own brand toothpastes most of which are approved (worth double checking the back). The best thing for me, is this toothpaste is literally a quarter of the price of well known brands like Colgate. So GO budget GO! Good for me, my teeth and my wallet.
Sorry if this sounds like an advert, but thought I would share this news with the world. Happy brushing!
When she returned from the work, we conducted the traditional societal ceremony of lighting the candles, singing of the song and the applause at the end. In a bid to be amusing, I had used re-lighting candles, that always seemed so magical as a child. As an adult you are less concerned with the magic, and more worried about the massive clouds of smoke created each time you blow and whether the smoke alarm will be activated. Oh I am SO getting old!
After lunch and a quick unscheduled snooze on the sofa, we went down town (feel free to sing at this point), for the 4.30 appointment with a massage therapist which I had a bought as one of my gifts i.e. ‘the experience’ gift. During the procedure, I sat in the waiting area thumbing through copies of ‘hair and beauty’, wondering how ANYONE could expect to live up to the ideology that is being sold. By the time I had finished an article on ‘your acrylic nails and you’ (a nomination for the Pulitzer no doubt), she had finished and looked very relaxed and a bit oily.
Not wishing to go back to the flat quite yet, and fall into the trap of crap food and telly, we decided to take full advantage of living by the sea and have a wonder down for a sit on the beach. After 15 minutes or so of appreciating the view and thinking how lucky we were, we decided to brave the wind and laughter of the drunk homeless people behind us, and go for a paddle. We removed our shoes and socks, rolled up our jeans and proceeded with caution and Indiana Jones style bravery. After a good 40 minutes of running in, running out, laughing and the odd squeal, we made our way back to the car trying to ignore the wet jeans, wet tops and wet pants, but revelling in the weird looks we were receiving.
After squelching our way back to the flat, we showered to remove the ‘sea bugs’ (if you have ever looked at a drop of sea water under the microscope you’ll know what I mean), and settled down for a birthday dinner of fresh pizza and strawberry cheesecake, topped off with some crap Big Brother Telly.
The evening was rounded off by downloading the pictures from day, laughing at getting soaked and dozing off on the sofa. To bed we went after what was a really fun day! I shall make it a point not to wait for special occasions to do silly things. People of the world unite in their silliness!
Aside from personal creativeness, ‘experience’ gifts are always good, such as a tank driving day or 4x4 driving lessons; although hugely expensive and only for ultra special occasions. Whether going on an adventure or making a homemade present, both serve the purpose of creating a memory. At the end of the day, you are more likely to remember and cherish the brightly coloured pasta necklace or the picnic in the park 10 years later, than receiving the latest ‘Greatest bump n grind mega hits’. Something with a bit of thought is more preferable to the ‘panic’ buy in Tescos on the way home from work on the day; yes you know who you are!
Now although it might not look much to you dear readers, but this jungle of mint was bought as a tiny potted herb from Tesco only 5 days ago. Since then it has demanded daily watering, daily rotation away from the sun for even growth and my constant attention. In just those 5 days it has grown from a finger high herb to the size of my whole hand span. At this rate by next year I think it would have conquered the South East, by the end of 2008 the UK (although some parts of Scotland may be too cold) and in 2009 its tendrils will soon be penetrating Europe.
So hear is my plea; either RUN and save yourselves or make sure mint sauce is a condiment served with EVERY meal. Left unchecked, who knows what this green monster could do. You have been warned. Audrey II eat your heart out!
Anyway I don’t begrudge her interest in football, as I know that if it came down to it I would take priority…..HA, IN YA FACE BECKHAM! O.k. well maybe not Beckham as she thinks he’s such a pretty boy, and has expressed a desire to have him as a house ornament along with Justin Timberlake. We could empty out their skulls, drill holes in their heads and have human condiments – cool!
So please, when you’re sitting enjoying your football, pies and larger, spare a thought of us widows out there!