Thursday, 28 June 2007

And the winner is…..BUDGET TOOTHPASTE!!

For years and years and maybe a few more years, I had always been put off by the idea of shops own budget toothpaste, thinking that the product was less likely to contain these magic ingredients always splashed over the adverts for Colgate and Aquafresh! However I have recently discovered that most of these ‘posh’ and very expensive toothpastes are not actually approved by the British Dental Health Foundation . This is the leading UK-based independent oral health charity and aims to help people improve their oral health (ooo go them).

Anyway it was highlighted (thanks ‘mrs’) that there are some toothpastes out there which are approved; denoted by this logo.

One of these approved products is Tescos own. They do a huge range of own brand toothpastes most of which are approved (worth double checking the back). The best thing for me, is this toothpaste is literally a quarter of the price of well known brands like Colgate. So GO budget GO! Good for me, my teeth and my wallet.

Sorry if this sounds like an advert, but thought I would share this news with the world. Happy brushing!

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