When I am Queen (you never know, stranger things have happened), I shall ban all white, black and grey socks. Socks are fantastic. They allow you to be secretly flamboyant and daring without anyone suspecting. You may be sitting all suited and booted in a board meeting talking about next years projection figures (yawn-a-rama), but underneath your over polished shoes, your feet can be leading the way in secret defiance of establishment.
Now I appreciate that there are some circumstances where one might think boring socks is not just appropriate, but mandatory, such as sport or hiking socks. But even in the aforementioned activities, exciting socks can be found. I myself have a striped pair of rainbow hiking socks. They are not common and hard to find but well worth the effort.

Most of my socks are technically over the knee socks, but due to having podgy legs, they have been demoted to under the knee socks. The only ankle socks in my possession are luminous one, very reminiscent of the days of early 90’s acid house fashion. My sock collection is not exclusive to what is seen below, as it has very much expanded since this was taken, especially since the ‘mrs’ found even more socks in Poundland. So you see, leading the way in a secret rebellion doesn’t have to be expensive.
Having every pair unique also has HUGE advantages when trying to match up socks after the wash. See, I’m not just a pretty foot.
The rebellion starts here!