Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Putting the patients first? B*ll*cks!

Due to NHS targets that all patients have to be seen by a doctor within 24 hours of making the appointment, you CAN’T make appointments in advance. Gone are the days where you could ring, and although unable to see someone today, you can make appointment for 2 or 3 days time. Very useful, if not urgent, like a blood pressure check up or an in growing toe nail.

NOW you have to ring on the day (although the chances of getting through are on a par of winning the lottery), or be on the doorstep at 8am waiting in line with the other desperadoes psyching yourself up for the 8:30am dash to reception when the doors open. If you have a job or have to get the kids ready for school, you may not have the luxury of loitering on the doorsteps of a doctors office. Please can someone tell me how this is putting the patients needs first?

However there are NHS walk in centres, which offer an early morning to late service, usually 7 days a week. What a fantastic idea! All I have to do is jump in my car and drive the 40 odd miles to the nearest one. I know I sound like I am having a big rant; well that's because I am!

So next time you wake up late because you’ve been up all night feeling like death, fear not, you can see a doctor TOMORROW. God bless NHS targets.

Rant over

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