Monday, 16 July 2007

Lighting and rain and hail; oh my!

Well last night was exciting. I can’t remember the last time I saw hail in July. About 8pm the sky came over really dark and then the rains came. After managing to close the windows, and noticing the rain still coming in all over the kitchen floor I did contemplate building an ark. Okay it didn’t help that I wanted to open the window to see if I could catch some hail. I did achieve this aim, and watched the small blob of ice melt on the cooker still residually warm from the bolognaise cooked earlier.

For the next 30 minutes I was treated to torrential rain interspersed by sheet lightening, time and time again. BANG BANG BANG. We turned off all the lights so we could reap the full benefits of this free light show. See, I don’t need a PS2 for entertainment! I suppose it's global warming working it's magic!

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